Built by Marketers. Backed by Science.
Wiser Insights
Consumers have so many choices.
Your insights need to be wiser.
We founded Wiser Insights Group because we were tired of dealing with traditional marketing research companies that provided statistics without real insights.
We approach problem-solving differently as people who have held marketing positions on both the client and the agency sides. We do this with the right mix of hard data and behavioral science – tenets of anthropology, evolutionary psychology, and behavioral economics – to develop a clear picture of consumer behavior and how it directly impacts the category and the brand of study.
We help clients gain fresh perspectives and deliver activation ideas to grow their businesses. Our core vehicle for this is PurchaSCIENCE™ precision behavioral research. The key is the unique ways we create, combine, and blend ingredients into the perfect hand-crafted research cocktail - one of the many times we believe having the right cocktail is everything.
(and don't even get us started about glassware...)
Statistics don't tell a story, but vital statistics provide a snapshot.
Time, in minutes, someone in the world completes one of our studies.
Size, in millions, of our U.S.-based rep panel. (We also have global reach & translation services.)
Number of native ethnographers we have in Top 10 DMAs .
Number of pre-screened attributes in our rep panel (virtually eliminates costly oversampling.)
Number of countries where we have fielded studies
Speed, in hours, that we can field your study and get you results. (Some restrictions apply.)
Number, in years, of Strategy and Marketing Leadership fueling our outputs
Six simple tenets of what we think help differentiatiate how we think.

The Simple Truth™
The Simple Truth™ is what you need, not a complicated narrative. We deliver the short-hand elevator speech about the current state of your business and business opportunity.

Statistics Aren't Insights
They're just numbers; they're great for small talk.
A typical study has more than 20,000 statistics, all useless without the context of the story they tell.

Research is a Verb
It’s not a noun, and it’s definitely not the name of a 3-ring binder. It's something smart businesspeople do to make more objective, informed, impactful decisions.

Research is Industry Agnostic
It's all about the consumer, who purchases across a wide range of industries. She doesn't know or care how you categorize yours, or who you believe your competitors are.
Consumers are industry agnostic; so is research.

Strategy is a Choice
It's what a brand chooses not to do. Trying to be all things to all people guarantees you’ll mean nothing to anyone.

Good Research is Timely & Affordable
Every business opportunity requires unique research, not "black box" studies (unless your business is actually selling black boxes). It can't take too long or cost too much or its value will be limited or worse, the study will never get fielded.
How they Decide. Why they Buy.
PurchaSCIENCE™ helps clients understand the irrational decisions consumers make when purchasing products and services and the things influencing those decisions.
Overlaying cultural constructs and isolating important decision criteria along this purchase journey allows us to pinpoint places to insert your brand for consideration and define the differentiated space your brand can credibly own.

PurchaSCIENCE™ is rooted in the logic flow that doctors use to diagnose patients. It starts with an exploratory session with key stakeholders to identify the learning goals, capture critical questions, and develop hypotheses.
We then work with you to understand historical data, knowledge gaps, internal hypotheses, and institutional folklore (those things everyone steadfastly believes but have never been proven). We think it's critically important to understand as much as we can about your business and clearly define the problem we're solving together so that we can focus our learning objectives.
The WiserInsights™ Process
All of our learning starts with WiserINSIGHTS™ custom approaches to decode how consumers think, how they act in the category, and how the brand and competitors fit into their daily behavior.
our foundation is peer-to-peer ethnographic work to glean real, behavioral insights that uncover habit loops and define conditional behavior: the triggers that create and change consumer actions. Ethnography also helps get intimate with specific trade areas.
Then, we validate our findings through a rigorous, customized quantitative studies and deliver all statistical results, including banner breakouts for various Interest Groups in our proprietary DataDashboard™.

All of the data is collapsed into a cohesive, concise narrative that dimensionalizes the behavioral context and identifies habit loops and cultural influences that need to be leveraged or mitigated to grow the business.
Traditional focus groups can have their place in the mix, but even when we do them, we meet respondents in a more inspired setting that is appropriate for the topic of study, to have a more authentic conversation.
Let us craft the right cocktail for you.
Welcome to WiserBAR™
It all started more then a decade ago when Mark’s penchant for mixology met Lori’s love of classic literature. Seeking to marry their interests, they came across Tequila Mockingbird, the ultimate cocktail book for the literary obsessed. Their love of Prohibition Era cocktails ignited. The rest, they say, is history.
The Wiser Alliance
Understanding the behavioral nuances of consumers is more important than ever, and there's no better way to do that than to infiltrate, assimilate, and communicate with consumers in their natural environment.
The Wiser Alliance is a finely curated group of ethnographers in Top 10 DMAs, each specifically trained in our proprietary methods. Matching the individual researcher to the project in his or her native and proximate geography is one of the many ways our insights are clearer, richer, and more meaningful.

The Wiser Alliance is a finely curated group of ethnographers in various cities, each specifically trained in our proprietary methods. Matching the individual researcher to the project in his or her native and proximate geography is one of the many ways our insights are clearer, richer, and more meaningful.
Our Clients
We know research is industry agnostic, but we also know clients like to see category experience. It has been a privilege to provide our services to more than 100 of the best and most respected brands across a wide range of industries. Whether you need to increase customer retention, evaluate a potential acquisition, or white label a study, we can help!